Saturday, April 23, 2011


This story means so much to me. It was my first AH story and my first slash story, this story made me fall in love with writing fan fiction. As everyone knows already, I'm a huge, huge Cam Gigandet fan and a huge Kellan fan as well. I was sitting around one day picturing them together and I was wondering why no one had written a JamesxEmmett story before. Instead of waiting around for someone to write one, I decided that I'd take a chance and do it myself. This story started my obsession and love of the pairing.

I got the title from the song by Colbie Caillat, but other than that, the song itself didn't really inspire the story. In chapter 2, James plays "To Know Love" by Little Big Town for Emmett and it's such a beautiful song. Here's a video of it:

As much as I love this story, I just really want to rewrite it sometimes. I'm not going to rewrite it, but trying to write a sequel has been difficult. I have an epilogue started and I think that's the way to go with this story. I think I can work on a sequel after I've written the epilogue. It will probably be a while though because I'm so backed up with stories and just have so many to write. I definitely have not forgotten about this story though and I will continue it. My other option would be to write the epilogue and instead of writing a full story sequel (multiple chapters), maybe just a few scenes for the sequel. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I would love to get everyone's input. I will put up a poll on my profile, so you can vote for your choice. I'm having a little trouble getting the poll to show up, so it may take a little while before it's there, so just check back often.

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