Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blondes Have More Fun On The Bottom

I posted a picture of how I imagined Peter, but here it is again.

I'm much more into brunettes than I am blondes, but I found a really hot picture of a blonde that I think fits how I pictured Jasper.

 I already talked about the background for this story. I was talking to Maj one day and she mentioned her birthday, so I told her that I wanted to write her a story as a gift. My specialty is JamesxEmmett stories, but she doesn't really like Emmett slash, so I decided to write JasperxPeter since I loved her JasperxPeter story.

 "Cowboy Casanova" by Carrie Underwood was stuck in my head and helped inspire the way I wrote Jasper's character. I'm not sure why I picked "Raining on Sunday" as the song that Jasper sang to relax himself, but the song and video are just so sexy. So here are both videos:

 So I've finally decided that I'm going to write a sequel for the story. I've started it, but I'm not very far into it yet. I will eventually post it, I'm just not sure when. 

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