Saturday, April 21, 2012


Wow, it's been about a year since I started this blog and of course, I haven't even finished it. I'm sure some of my reviewers probably wondered where the hell I've been because I haven't published anything since December of last year. The good news is that I've been writing, the bad news is that I'm writing for so many different fandoms and I just don't have enough time to devote to everything. Also, I feel like I'm never going to complete any of my unfinished Twilight fics. I write a lot based on my feelings and emotions and after a while, I just lose whatever emotions that I was feeling when I created something. I'm still very much into the Twilight fandom (each movie gets better and better and I'm so sad that the last one will be this year!)

It's difficult for me to go back to those fics and finish them. I'll more than likely just start fresh with my writing. I'm mostly writing Wrestling fics now, I'm still having trouble with some of those, but I'm just going to do my best and continue to write. There will definitely be some more Twilight fics in my future. I plan on finishing Don't Knock It and I'm not sure where I'll go after that. I just wanted to give everyone an update so you all know what I'm up to. I have not forgotten about any of you! I love you all and hopefully I will see you soon!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Second Time Around

This story is one of my favorites because it gave me hope. After battling about a year of writer's block, this story proved that I could fight back and complete something that wasn't half bad. One of my favorite authors, Shadowbox N. Paperchase has a story that I love called "Broke" and I requested her to write about Emmett and James for a chapter and she did it. She apologized for taking so long to fulfil the request and I knew exactly where she was coming from, so I thank her for writing the chapter because not only was it deliciously hot, she helped inspire me to write again.

I said the last chapter of this was inspired by Colbie Caillat's "Realize" video and it really was. It's one of my favorite videos so here it is:

Lastly, I'm not sure when I'll get around to it, but I'm thiking of adding another chapter since I'm a drama whore. The second chapter and the last one weren't what I had originally planned and I'm fine with that, I think they turned out ok. However, I think what I had originally planned would still be a nice addition to the story. So I'll either write it in a future or as an alternate chapter. It may be a while, but look out for another chapter!

Gray Area

I find it very ironic that this story was uploaded as a replacement story because I was having trouble with another story that I dedicated to someone. This story definitely gave me some trouble. It was one of my favorites because it had so much potential. So I had a poll and the people have spoken. 49 people (46% of the vote wanted a new story) and 41 people (39% of the vote wanted me to write an epilogue.) So it was a very very close vote.

The second chapter was based on a song of the same title by Rissi Palmer. Here's the chorus that I think was pretty fitting.

Hold onto me
And let go of what makes you lonely
Hold onto me
And give up the heartache
The nights you lie awake
It’s easy to set it free
And hold onto me

 So there's some good news and bad news about writing the new story. The good news is that I already have a story in mind and I'm still planning it out, the bad news though is I have no idea when I'll post it because I have so many stories that needed to have their loose ends tied. But I haven't forgotten about this story, so just stay tuned!

Not Ready To Make Nice

As I've already explained, this story was written for a friend of mine, robpat who I absolutely adore. I'm not a big fan of writing Edward at all, but I decided to try for her. I got the title from one of my favorite Dixie Chicks song, I thought it was an amazing title for a story. I picture different people as Jasper sometimes, but for this story, here's how I pictured him:

Chapter 3 was inspired by Carrie Underwood's song "What Can I Say?" The parts of the song that were the biggest inspiration are:

And you should know, please believe me
I've picked up the phone a thousand times
And tried to dial your number
But it's been so long, it's never easy
It's like trying to spin the world the other way
What can I say?

How did it come to this?
I think about you all the time
It's no excuse
But I wish that I never made you cry

 So this is the story where I hit a huge, huge brick wall.I really just don't know how to continue with this story. I think my best bet is to write an epilogue or a chapter with some kind of satisfying ending. I'm just not sure which one I'm going to do yet or when. However, I will definitely write another EdwardxJasper story since this one pretty much went to hell. It may only be a oneshot, but there will be a replacement story since it's completely my fault that this story was such a disaster. I'll definitely let everyone know when I post the new story.

Best Thing

One of the major songs that inspired this story is "Stay" by Sugarland. It's one of my favorite songs, Jennifer's voice and the lyrics make it so special. Jennifer wrote it all by herself and I find that fascinating. The thing that I find the most amazing about the song is that it's written from the prospective of a mistress and Jennifer's vulnerability makes you feel sorry for her. I told myself that I wanted to write a story similar to that. The other song that was the inspiration, "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles really helped explain Jasper and how he feels. Here is the video for "Stay", Jennifer's tears cut right through me and a video with lyrics for "Gravity".

Chapter 3 was also inspired by music a lot. Kellie Pickler's song "One Last Time"  really explained what James was going through, he's saying goodbye to someone that he still loves. "Somebody When I Stop Loving You" by Carrie Underwood perfectly explains Jasper, he's in a lot of pain because he has to watch the man that he loves walk away.

So I encountered a brick wall called writer's block and it was difficult for me to write anything at one point. I'm trying to get back and finish some of my incomplete stories and this is one of them. I'm not sure when I'll get to it, but I have started the epilogue, so hopefully it won't be another year until I write it. Thanks for all of the support though that everyone has been showing.


This story means so much to me. It was my first AH story and my first slash story, this story made me fall in love with writing fan fiction. As everyone knows already, I'm a huge, huge Cam Gigandet fan and a huge Kellan fan as well. I was sitting around one day picturing them together and I was wondering why no one had written a JamesxEmmett story before. Instead of waiting around for someone to write one, I decided that I'd take a chance and do it myself. This story started my obsession and love of the pairing.

I got the title from the song by Colbie Caillat, but other than that, the song itself didn't really inspire the story. In chapter 2, James plays "To Know Love" by Little Big Town for Emmett and it's such a beautiful song. Here's a video of it:

As much as I love this story, I just really want to rewrite it sometimes. I'm not going to rewrite it, but trying to write a sequel has been difficult. I have an epilogue started and I think that's the way to go with this story. I think I can work on a sequel after I've written the epilogue. It will probably be a while though because I'm so backed up with stories and just have so many to write. I definitely have not forgotten about this story though and I will continue it. My other option would be to write the epilogue and instead of writing a full story sequel (multiple chapters), maybe just a few scenes for the sequel. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I would love to get everyone's input. I will put up a poll on my profile, so you can vote for your choice. I'm having a little trouble getting the poll to show up, so it may take a little while before it's there, so just check back often.

Blondes Have More Fun On The Bottom

I posted a picture of how I imagined Peter, but here it is again.

I'm much more into brunettes than I am blondes, but I found a really hot picture of a blonde that I think fits how I pictured Jasper.

 I already talked about the background for this story. I was talking to Maj one day and she mentioned her birthday, so I told her that I wanted to write her a story as a gift. My specialty is JamesxEmmett stories, but she doesn't really like Emmett slash, so I decided to write JasperxPeter since I loved her JasperxPeter story.

 "Cowboy Casanova" by Carrie Underwood was stuck in my head and helped inspire the way I wrote Jasper's character. I'm not sure why I picked "Raining on Sunday" as the song that Jasper sang to relax himself, but the song and video are just so sexy. So here are both videos:

 So I've finally decided that I'm going to write a sequel for the story. I've started it, but I'm not very far into it yet. I will eventually post it, I'm just not sure when.